Android Auto for phone screens is about to run out of gas


Android Auto's death caused a great disturbance in the Force last year, as if millions of drivers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. With Android 12, Google's original phone-friendly UI for navigation, media, messaging, and more disappeared, leaving only Assistant Driving Mode and a handful of third-party services in its place. None quite measured up to Android Auto for phone screens, and unfortunately for drivers on Android 11 and earlier, their time has also come.

Reddit user u/firstrta spotted a new warning on his Huawei P30 Lite, a phone that was never upgraded past Android 10, announcing that Android Auto's demise was drawing near (via 9to5Google). It's a new step for the company in its quest to push everyone towards Assistant Driving Mode, the slick new UI built into Android that, unfortunately, isn't quite as feature-packed as the service it's replacing.

Google's warning for users doesn't specify when the app is finally biting the dust, but the message doesn't exactly inspire confidence for a summer filled with road trips. The message reappears each time the app is opened, even if you've previously swiped it away. It's a pretty clear warning from Google: don't expect this app to work for much longer.

Assistant Driving Mode has come a long way since its initial launch, but it's still not quite as polished as Android Auto. The app finally added a home screen shortcut a few months ago, though I've seen it disappear a couple of times from my device — a frustrating experience, to say the least. Still, if you need to get around this summer, and your car doesn't have a built-in display, you aren't entirely out of luck.

We've reached out to Google to ask when we can expect the app to shut down for all devices and will update our coverage with any statement issued. For now, drivers still relying on Android Auto's phone mode might want to start looking for a replacement — it won't be long until it's gone for good.

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